Treat respiratory problems with food Read one minute
Drinking pomegranate juice reduces inflammation and improves respiratory function.
Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and prevents respiratory infections.
Almost every home uses it
Berries are rich in anti-oxidants and protect against oxidation in the lungs.
Green vegetables such as spinach and kale contain vitamins, It is rich in antioxidants and reduces respiratory problems.
Ginger is anti-inflammatory and reduces inflammation in the respiratory system.
Orange, Nutrient-rich fruits like grapefruit are rich in vitamin C, which helps reduce respiratory infections.
Because salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, it is beneficial for lung health. You can drink fish oil.
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and protects lung tissue.
Nuts and seeds like almonds contain essential fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation in the lungs.
Regular exercise improves lung function and reduces the risk of respiratory problems.